
Here you are some guidelines on how to get Movintracks' SDK running within your project. Additionally you can take a look at our sample project .

In your application's Info.plist

Set the property FacebookAppID according to your Facebook app ID. See here for futher reference. Note that at Facebook Developer's console you should add and the full URI of your Movintracks installation (typically to "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs".

Set the property NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription with a description text explaining why CoreLocation permissions are required. You can localize the text at InfoPlist.strings with key NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription.

Set the UIBackgroundModes. You have to add the next values: "fecht and remote-notification". More information here.

Your plist should look like this:

Plist file

In your AppDelegate.h

Start by importing the library:

import "MTMovintracks.h"

In your AppDelegate.m

In the method didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:, add the following:

[[MTMovintracks alloc] initWithRootServer:<# Base Url #> 
                       ApiKey:<# Api User Key #> 
                       andApiSecret:<# Api User Secret #> 
                       withLaunchingOptions: <# launchOptions #>];

Tags are:

  • Base Url: the URL of your Movintracks installation. Typically
  • Api User Key: application identifier that can be found at Profile > API/SDK of the Movintracks Dashboard.
  • Api User Secret: secret key used to sign the comunication with the server. You can also find it at Profile > API/SDK.
  • Launch options: The dictionary with launch options, used to get info about the notification if the app has been launched because the user has clicked on it.

In the method applicationDidBecomeActive: add the following:

[<# movinTracksInstance #> applicationDidBecomeActive];

In the method didReceiveLocalNotification: add the following:

[<# movinTracksInstance #> applicationDidReceiveLocalNotification:notification];

Register silent notifications and send the push token to the SDK.

In the method didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken: add the following:

[<# movinTracksInstance #> setPushToken:deviceToken];

In the method didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError add the following:

[<# movinTracksInstance #> setPushToken:nil];

In the method didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo fetchCompletionHandler: add the following:

BOOL r = [<# movinTracksInstance #> applicationDidReceiveRemoteNotification: userInfo];

In the method didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: add the following code to enable both push notification and local notifications:

// Check if we are using ios8
if ([application respondsToSelector:@selector(registerForRemoteNotifications)]){
  // Register remote notifications in iOS8
  [application registerForRemoteNotifications];
  // Ask user enable notifications in notification manager
  [application registerUserNotificationSettings:[UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeSound|UIUserNotificationTypeAlert categories: nil]];
    } else {
    // Register to obtain push silent notifications
    [application registerForRemoteNotificationTypes:UIRemoteNotificationTypeNewsstandContentAvailability];

Movintracks notifications

Movintracks SDK can emit the following notifications:

  • kShowModalViewNotification: It is used to let the app know what views should be shown. In the object of the notification, there is the view controller that should be shown. This is a sample code:
- (void)viewDidLoad
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(openModalView:) name:kShowModalViewNotification object:nil];
- (void) openModalView: (NSNotification*) notification{
    UIViewController* view=notification.object;
    [self presentViewController: view animated:YES completion:nil];
  • kNumberBeaconsNotification: To debug the application and work properly with beacons, this notification contains the number of visible beacons.

  • kListBeaconsNotification: This notification contains the list of visible beacons, in the object property.

Movintracks custom app callback

To run the action "Custom app callback", you need to register the callback:

[[MTMovintracks getInstance] registerCallback:^(NSDictionary *arguments, MTOnCompletionHandler handler) {
      //Your code here 
        NSLog(@"Custom App Callback with params %@", arguments.description);
        //Finish the action
    } withName:@"MyCustomAppCallback"];

From version v1.8.1, the next arguments are added by default to the callback:

  • mt_campaign_id: The id of the campaign.
  • mt_zone_id: The id of the zone. May be null in rare cases.
  • mt_point_id: The id of the point. Null if it is an onVisitZone campaign.
  • mt_beacon_id: The id of the beacon. Null if it is an onVisitZone campaign or in rare cases.