SDK Installation

To install Movintracks' SDK you have two options: use Cocoapods or manual instalation of the files. We recommend to use CocoaPods.

Installation using Cocoapods.

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, that automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries.

Copy the SDK-Movintracks.podspec file from our SDK to your application project folder. Go to the project root folder using Terminal and run the following command to create the sample Podfile file configuration:

pod init

Edit the Podfile with any text editor, uncomment the line platform :ios, '7.0' to specify the minimum iOS deployment version to 7.0 and add the following line at the end to link on all targets:

pod 'SDK-Movintracks', :podspec => './SDK-Movintracks.podspec'

The file should look like this:

# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '7.0'

source ''

target 'sample' do


target 'sampleTests' do


pod 'SDK-Movintracks', :podspec => './SDK-Movintracks.podspec'

Once you've done this, you can run pod install on the terminal and it should output the following information:

Analyzing dependencies
Fetching podspec for `SDK-Movintracks` from `./SDK-Movintracks.podspec`
Downloading dependencies
Installing AFNetworking (2.5.3)
Installing MWFeedParser (1.0.1)
Installing NSData+MD5Digest (1.0.0)
Installing SDK-Movintracks (1.5)
Generating Pods project
Integrating client project

[!] From now on use `sample.xcworkspace`.

Now you can open the file .xcworkspace to made the integration of Movintracks SDK

Update SDK-Movintracks library

To update your project with a new version of Movintracks from a former one replace the SDK-Movintracks.podspec file with the new one provided in the new library. Then, run the following command line on the Terminal:

pod update

Manual installation

Here, you can see how to install manually the SDK without Cocoapods. If you have an older version of the SDK Installed you only need to do points 1 and 2 replacing the old files.

  1. Import MTMovintracks.h and MTDefines.h file headers to your project. They can be found at sdk-ios/include/Movintracks

    • If your project needs to do direct calls to the same libraries that SDK-Movintracks uses, import their headers files included in sdk-ios/include/ExternalLibs to your project.
  2. Import the two static libraries found at sdk-ios/lib

  3. Add the -all_load flag to your project:

    File project > Application > Build settings > Other linker flags

  4. If you are using AFNetworking in your project, you will get a duplicate symbol error when you try to build. To avoid this problem, remove the .m files of AFNetworking.